Read Psalm 66:2, John 4:24
In regards to society, A.W. Tozer stated, “We have lost the art of worship. We are not producing saints. Our models are successful businessmen, celebrated athletes and theatrical personalities. We carry on our religious activities after the methods of the modern advertisers. Our homes have been turned into theatres, our literature is shallow, our hymns border on sacrilege and scarcely anyone seems to care. Christianity is little more than objective truth, sweetened with song and made palatable through religious entertainment, and we call them to have fun in His name. Christ calls men to carry a cross.”
I am glad that I do not belong to a church that is that far gone as to their worship, but we are living in a religious age when people are forgetting what worship is all about. To most people today, worship is an action that is performed within the confines of a sacred service like the thousands that take place each Sunday. Worship is three choruses, a couple of hand waves and maybe even a little shout. However, worship is not fulfilled by momentary bursts of energy that is produced by the beat of a drum or the chord of the piano. Worship is not predicated upon feeling. It is predicated upon the acknowledgment of who He is.
Jesus declared that God is looking for true worshippers. So to say you are a worshipper identifies you, not as an outgoing person in church, but as an individual whose life attracts the glory of God. To worship is to experience reality, to touch life. It is to know and experience the resurrected Christ in the midst of the gathered community. It is breaking into the Shekinah of God, or better yet, being invaded by the Shekinah of God.
You see, the worship of the sanctuary is wholly meaningless and without any real value if it is not preceded by and prepared for by the worship of the life. God is seeking men and women that are ready to truly worship Him. If there is any shortcoming to the true Apostolic church, it is the failure to realize what true worship is, and so I would like to spend a day or two on what worship is all about. If God is looking for them then I want to become a true worshipper, how about you?
“An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. Everyday life has become my prayer.”
- Sarah Ban Breathnach