Friday, July 20, 2012

The Intersection of Hunger and Desire

I felt the Lord minister a word to me yesterday. It was one of those things where my mind began to jump when I realized the key to a move of God.

It is found in the story of the blind beggar in Mark 10:46 - 52. Bartimaeus when he heard that is was Jesus (Dare I say he heard the Word) and faith came by his hearing of Jesus. Most of us stop there and think that if we hear the Word of the Lord, then we can expect a miraculous move of God. The blind man didn't settle for just hearing about the Lord, he wanted an experience with the Lord. He realized two things: what he needed and what he wanted! What he was hungry for and what he desired!

You see, he knew that he needed the mercy of the Lord, thus that is what he shouted. Need is expressed through hunger, and Jesus promised that the hungry would be filled. However, I noticed in this story that his hunger is what stopped Jesus in his tracks. Now I believe that Jesus knew what was getting ready to happen, but nevertheless, he asked this man what he desired. It is at this point that the miracle of God takes place. It is at this intersection of the blind man's hunger and his desire that the power of God would be made manifest! His hunger was for mercy, but his desire was his sight, and when these two things collided, Jesus responded by not just meeting his desires, but also feeding him by making him WHOLE! He didn't just receive his sight, he was made whole!!!!

How about you? Have you been looking for a move of God in your life? If so, has your hunger intersected with your desire? If it has, get ready for the miraculous power of God. If it hasn't, you now know where to begin your prayer - Lord, lead us to the intersection of hunger and desire!!!

"Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle."                               Elizabeth David

Monday, July 16, 2012

 Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Those who belong to Him learn to recognize His voice and listen carefully to it. God’s goal in speaking to us include that we--Comprehend the truth. God wants His perfect Word to take root in our mind and become a permanent part of our thinking. Scripture is central to God’s plan to understand who He is and what His purposes are.
Conform to the truth. His objective is that biblical truth will be reflected in our daily choices and lifestyle.
Communicate the truth. God not only wants us to assimilate His Word and be transformed by it; He also desires to work through us to impact others’ lives. If we are not submitted to the truth and been changed by it, our words will lack divine power and have little effect on the listener. If we are absorbing the Scriptures and allowing God to mold us, then His divine “fingerprints” will be visible in our plans, schedules, thoughts, and attitudes. As a result, our conversation will reflect His viewpoint and include topics important to Him.
When we comprehend the truth, conform to the truth and communicate the truth, we become a force that the prince of darkness does not want to deal with. If these three attitudes are evident in our lives, submission to God is easy. When we are submitted to God, we can resist the devil and he will flee.
Achieving God’s goals requires a teachable heart, a cooperative spirit, and a listening ear. Do you have all three? God desires to be intimate with us; to whisper with His still small voice into our lives. He does not want to have to yell through the whirlwind. Are you ready to listen?

"Society speaks and all men listen, mountains speak and wise men listen."
John Muir