Saturday, January 21, 2017

Read I Peter chapter 1

Immortality is the glorious discovery of Christianity.”
       William Ellery Channing

The brightness must have been incredible. It was so bright that the strongest sunglasses would not have prohibited the penetration of the light’s rays. It causes man to fall to his face and bury his eyes in the ground. When Moses saw the brightness of God’s glory, he could not physically bear the brightness thereof. The most exciting part is that Moses did not see all of His glory, but only the hind parts, or the leftover parts of His glory. 
Peter lets man know that there is an inheritance that is free from corruption. It is the full aspect of the brightness of the glory of God. It goes beyond our imagination and comprehension of things that are eternal. In this life, everything has an ending. From the time of a day to the end of physical life, all things bear a conclusion. Our finite minds only comprehend things that end.
However, we know of three things that never end, and often, it is  impossible to grasp. God, His Word and our inheritance are the only things that will never end. What a promise. Someday soon, everything that we know will be gone, and everything will be new. All hurt, sorrow, stress and heartache will end and be replaced by a joy that we really do not even understand yet. With all of our imperfection, it goes beyond reason that we should be able to dwell with a holy God, but through the blood of Christ, we receive our inheritance; we are able to dwell with God. 
We often look at this passage as referring to some future event, and that is correct, for it is the primary purpose of this writing. However, we have received the earnest of our inheritance when we were born of the water and the Spirit. Therefore, we have the opportunity to dwell in the spiritual realm with God Almighty. We can boldly enter His throne room, and we can lay our petitions at His feet. What needs or desires have you refrained from asking God for because you felt unworthy to receive it? What would you ask God if you would receive it without question? Well, our inheritance allows us to ask our heavenly Father anything, and whether He says, “Yes, no, maybe or we’ll see,” we know He has heard. All of heaven is at your beckoned call because you are a part of His family.

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