“I wouldn’t have
written the script of my life this way, Lord.”
“What would you have
changed my son?”
“I would have deleted
unnecessary pain.”
“What kind of pain is
misunderstandings, incurable illnesses, and undeserved injustice. These produce
nothing but aches in my heart and anguish in my soul. I could have done without
them Father.”
“I too could have
done without sin’s shadows and pain’s piercing. But because of choices made
long ago and choices re-made every moment I myself had a choice to make: turn
my back on sin’s shadows or personally embrace pain’s piercing.”
“What did you choose
“I chose the path of what you call
‘unnecessary’ pain.”
“Why? How?”
“Actually, You helped
me. Before you were born, I saw you and my love for you was greater than life.
Through sweat and blood, I measured my love for you and its passion fixed my
life willingly to a cross. By embracing pain, I robbed sin of its power to
crush you.”
“Then the shadows
will not destroy me! But there are still tears in my heart and aches in my
“Yes. They are in
mine as well. But even there you can find a treasure if you allow the tears in
your heart and aches in your soul to grow dependence upon me in your
Aren’t you glad our Father
loved us enough to suffer for us? There
is nothing in our lives as great as the pain and suffering that He endured for
our opportunity to have life. What
things in your life seem to be one of the pains of life that you just cannot
get rid of? Take the time to thank God
for them now, and you will fulfill the words of Paul in Philippians 3:10, “That
I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his
sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”
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