Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Spirit of Reconciliation

Read II Corinthians 5:16-18

The ministry of reconciliation is the most powerful weapon against the adversary. In fact, according to the passage in II Corinthians, everyone that has been born again, have not only received reconciliation, they have possessed the power of that ministry. This ministry is so grand, so far above human paradigms, so incredibly awesome that we often fail to realize the necessity of it and our role in performing it. We often picture ourselves as “saved and sanctified”, but when it come to being a reconciler, we laugh.
It is a true statement that all have been called to be a soul-winner. We must all influence someone’s life by being salt and light, leading the way to Jesus Christ. Influencing someone to begin and sustain a relationship with the Lord is the role of the reconciler. The ministry of reconciliation must be present if we are to do what God desires of us. We must take up the mantle of the mediator and draw people to Jesus Christ. Paul said that God was in Christ reconciling the world, and while Jesus still draws all men, He does so by His body, or ambassadors, still on earth.
We reconcile in diverse capacities. Some welcome guests to the church. Who knows, maybe your smile and handshake will lead someone to reconciliation? Maybe it’s the bus driver that takes the time to pick a child up for Sunday School. It could be the preacher or teacher behind the pulpit or the person that sends a birthday card just to show them they care.
Whatever we do in life, it is imperative in these last days to remember our main goal is to influence men and women to reconciliation. What a day that will be when we stand at the throne and see everyone that we helped find Jesus.

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