Read John 1:1-14
There was a knock at the door. The man behind the big desk simply said, “Enter.” The associate walked into a large room that seemed to exude comfort. The associate noticed that one wall contained numerous pictures of constellations, moons, planets, and the opposite wall contained pictures of clouds, rain, snow and a beautiful sunset. Behind the associate on the wall facing the desk was filled with all manner of plant and animal life, from a seed to an amoeba to the cedars of Lebanon and even a few elephants. The associate noticed a peculiar thing, however. While three of the four walls of this spacious facility were filled with pictures of all sorts of creation, the wall behind the desk held one solitary picture. Under the picture was the nameplate that read: “The first man: Adam.”
The man behind the desk asked if he could help the associate in any way. The associate responded in a frantic tone, “Yes, sir, this business you’ve created is ready to fall apart. The managers are fighting, not only with employees, but also other managers. There is hatred, envy, strife and all manners of other wickedness. The people are at each other’s throats with no concern for one another, and could care less about this company. We have sent delegates time and again and the people have refused to heed their words. In fact, some of our delegates have been chastised, ridiculed and even destroyed. Sir, if something doesn’t happen soon, I don’t know what we’ll do.”
Quietly, the man behind the desk rose from his chair and went to a closet. From the closet he pulled a second picture. He took three nails and a hammer and placed the picture next to the first one on the wall behind the desk. He stepped back from the wall allowing the associate a clear view of who it portrayed. The associate, when realizing that it was a picture of the man behind the desk was confused. He began to ask a question, but was halted by the eyes of his friend. From the top drawer of his desk, a second nameplate was retrieved. As the man behind the desk began to attach it to the second picture, the associate caught a glimpse of the inscription. It read; “the second man: Jesus.”
The associate’s mouth dropped open as ha said in awe to his friend, “You mean…you mean you’re going to go down there?”
Yes,” replied the man, “yes, Gabriel, I must.” As he grabbed his coat, he turned and said, “Now if you will excuse me, I have an appointment in Bethlehem.”
With that statement, God, the Creator, left the comforts of his heavenly office and went to save his creation. He came to save you and me. Isn’t a blessed event that He did not send someone else to save the world, he came himself.
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