Read I Timothy 4
I love gifts. There is nothing like receiving a gift. The excitement of tearing into the wrapping, it is no wonder that all children love opening gifts. What is inside? Who is it from? Is it a toy or clothes? What is this gift that I am about to possess?
God has placed in all of us certain gifts that we are to open. God always gives gifts, the greatest being His Spirit. When God gives a gift, it is yours forever. Paul told us in Romans 8 that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. The first time God gives you a gift, it is for accountability. The second time is for ministry. What are you doing with the gifts that God has given you?
When God fills you with His Spirit, He desires for you to live for Him and allow Him to live through you. When you allow Him to live through you, you are being accountable to that gift. When God desires for you to use that gift, it is not simply for Him, but for those He is trying to reach. We do a disservice to God by not allowing our gifts to minister to others.
If we are to honor God, we must do so by honoring our gifts. It is not arrogant to realize that God has given you a certain gift. It is arrogant to possess that gift and not share it with someone else. It reminds me of our family Christmas time. All of the children have opened their gifts and all of them want what someone else received. As parents, we are constantly telling them to share. Words like, “I know it’s yours, but you have to share with your cousin”, ring throughout the holiday.
Sometimes I think our heavenly Father is sitting there telling me, “Tim, I know that gift is yours, but you need to share.” What are you doing today to share your gift with another?