Read Romans 14:7
Has it ever dawned on you that you are responsible for other souls spiritually before God? For instance, if I allow my own personal agenda to waver from God, everyone I touch is affected. The Bible states that we sit together in heavenly places, and when one suffers, all the members suffer.
When we allow private selfishness, mental slothfulness, moral wavering and spiritual density into our mind, everyone that is in your sphere of influence will suffer. “But,” you say, “who is sufficient for these things if you erect a standard like that?” The answer is simple, “Our sufficiency is of God and God alone.” Through Him we are able to live a life that is consecrated to Him and will allow those around us to be affected in a positive fashion.
“You shall be my witnesses.” How many of us are willing to spend every ounce of nervous energy; mental, moral and spiritual energy, for Jesus Christ? Are we preoccupied with the things of this world, or are we tuned in completely to what God is asking? If we can answer the first question positively, we have fulfilled being a witness in God’s sense of the word. It may take some time for us to achieve that, but it is worth the endeavor to do so.
Have you ever wondered why God left us on the earth? Was it just to be saved and sanctified? Was it to be made righteous? We were left here for His pleasure. Are you consecrated to do whatever the Master may ask? When King David gave Uriah his death sentence, Uriah trusted David enough to carry that slip of paper to the front line and lay his life down. Are you trusting God enough to do the same?
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