Friday, February 13, 2009

Anointing In The Depths Of The River

Read Joshua 3:14-17

The ark of the covenant was the Old Testament symbol for the presence of God. The Lord was very specific in how the children of Israel were to handle the ark. The priests were the only ones allowed to handle the transportation of the ark, and it was specifically to be carried upon their shoulders. When Uzzah, who was trying to help out, touched the ark to keep it from falling off the cart, he was instantly slain. The presence of God, no matter the intention, is to be carried in the proper form.
Joshua describes for us the time when the children of Israel had come to the end of the wilderness wanderings. They are preparing to cross over the Jordan river, and the first item that passed over was the ark, or the presence of God. Joshua and the people followed the presence of the Lord into the depths of the water that were outside the banks of the river. They did not know what was going to happen, but they knew they needed to trust the presence of the Lord.
It is easy for people to follow the money, the blessing, the easy way, but the presence of God often leads us through the depths of situations to reveal the power of the Lord into our lives. It is of utmost importance for our ear to be tuned to the moving of the presence of God so we can follow wherever it leads.
The priests began to step into the water, and when they did, the waters parted and the children of Israel walked across on dry land. The interesting thing to notice comes from Jewish manners and customs literature. It is said that when the priests lifted the ark upon their shoulders, the ark would always become weightless. For forty years they carried the ark without any pressure or tension from its weight.
When they began to step into the water, however, they felt the full weight of the ark. When they got into the water they were carrying the full weight of the ark. When they stepped into the depths of the unknown, the anointing, or glory, or weight of His presence was noticed. You see, when you allow yourself to follow Him, He will lead you into some unknowns, but be confident of this; while you’re there, you will notice His presence more than if you were not in the depths.

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