Read Exodus 30:22-33
The oil, which is the Holy Ghost, that we read about yesterday carried with it a distinguishing and essential characteristic that was holiness. The chief purpose for the oil of anointing was to sanctify and set apart something or someone for the service of the Lord. When a person receives the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost, they receive an initial anointing for the service of the Kingdom. However, as we read in Luke 2:52, even Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, even so, we also must grow into the anointing for our specific responsibilities within the body of Christ.
The anointing is the symbol, or the seal, that the Lord places upon a person to identify to the natural and the spiritual world that he or she has been chosen by God to do many exploits. The anointing is the VOICE of God asserting His authority. When a person is in under the flow of the anointing oil, or Holy Ghost, as he begins to speak, he speaks, not with human or man-made authority, but with the very authority from heaven. Our communities do not need more man-made religiosity. It needs a “voice crying in the wilderness”. It needs a people that have been born into the anointing that will be bold enough to speak in the authority of the heavenly realm.
The anointing is also the HAND of God that separates His chosen from the masses. The Ezra 7-8, the phrase “the hand of God is upon them” appears seven times. Our prayer should be that this phrase would apply to our families, our ministry, our church, our city and our region. We stand at the edge of a mighty move of God, and it is now up to the people of God whether they desire the man-made , man-centered authority, or do we crave the power packed, providential authority of God.
Always remember the scripture in Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…”
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