Read I Peter 5:7
Climbing the mountain of life may seem to be an impossibility, but when you face an impossibility, you must leave it in the hands of a specialist. Refuse to calculate. Refuse to doubt. Refuse to work it out by yourself. Refuse to worry.
Instead, say, “Lord, I’m walking in something that I can’t handle. Because your are willing and able, please take it out of my hands. It is impossible for me, but it is as nothing with you.” Persevering up the side of the mountain in spite of any adversities calls for that kind of confidence in Him.
Now, our problem is that we hold onto our problems. If your Swiss watch stops working, hopefully you don’t sit at home with a screwdriver working on it yourself. You take it to a specialist. If you tried to work on it and then took it to a specialist, they would look at you and wonder what in the world you had done.
Likewise, the Lord usually gets the leftovers. We make all the mistakes and get things tied into a million knots and then dump it in His lap and say, “Here, Lord, do something.”
In our journey of life, we do not have the luxury to make a bunch of mistakes before we cry for help from Him. We must, right from the start, let Him know that we do not possess the talents, finances, or desires to do what He wants. Then we must allow Him to make up for that which we do not have. We must remember that God desires all of us to be successful in this pathway to glory. Every step up the mountain must be ordered by God, with His strength and with His spirit leading the way.
"The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulders to mount on."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge