With the exception of being in an airplane, the highest place on earth that I have walked is on Pike’s Peak in Colorado . The view was incredible. You could see for miles, and what you did see was so clean and fresh. The signs of humanity such as, traffic, smog, smoke, dirt, etc., were not evident from the peak.
Wouldn’t you like to walk through life with “rose-colored” glasses? Don’t you want to see all the good in everything around you? If it was possible to see your world through only positive lenses, what price would you pay?
Well, the highest place you can go on this earth is not Pike’s Peak. The highest place you can reach in this life is to be bowed low at the feet of Jesus. Did you catch that? When you bow before Him, you have attained the greatest heights.
It was Mary that Jesus affirmed, and not Martha. Martha was busy attempting to serve Him, while Mary sat at His feet to hear everything that He had to say. Who are you more like? Are you more encumbered with serving or listening?
What does that have to do with what we see around us? When you get that close to Him, everything you see must come through Him. You do not receive those “rose-colored” glasses, but you do receive the “glasses” of Jesus Christ. When you see the criminal, you don’t see his crime, you see his depraved soul, and begin to pray. When you see that rebellious teenager, you don’t see a scoundrel, you see a potential saint. You have the opportunity to look above all the “junk” of the world and begin to see the world the way He does. Have you bowed to receive His heights?
“On every mountain height is rest.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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