The hour has come where everything that can be shaken will be shaken. The winds of the last days are blowing strong and the bride is about to be united with her groom, Jesus Christ. It is in these times that the church must take a hold of the convictions that God has produced in our lives. There are some boundaries and habits that I know the Lord gave to me. It is those convictions that carry me when the ship of life is tossed about with every wind of the world. There is no difficulty, no trial or tribulation that can dissuade me of these convictions.
The prophet, Daniel, faced some tough situations. One of the Bible’s most popular stories recounts the man’s decision to pray even though the punishment was a one-way trip to the lion’s den. Those hard circumstances arose from Daniel’s own commitment to his convictions. Daniel could have stopped praying, or at least made his daily prayers less public. However, dishonoring God seemed far worse than death. While his convictions often put him in a vise, the kings he served also rewarded his principled life.
Today, we have the same choice to live by conviction or preference. Would you be willing to spend some time in a lion’s den for your convictions? Are you willing to face the angry teeth of a hungry adversary that desires your demise?
Some days, while trying to live out our convictions, we will feel like Daniel facing the lion’s den. Nevertheless, God provides courage. If we are willing to make right choices, our determination will intersect with His divine bravery at just the right moment. The result is a life full of godly influence that will earn these words from our King: “Well done, good and faithful servant”.
Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct. Thomas Carlyle
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