It is the foundational question that we must answer, “What are you living for?” It is exciting reading stories from the underground church. There was a house church in old Russia that met in small groups so as not to arouse the KGB. It was at such a meeting after they began to quietly worship that the door burst open and two soldiers quickly entered with automatic weapons raised.
They lined everybody up against the wall and threatened to kill anyone that did not denounce Christ. If they would denounce Christ they could leave the room and nothing else would be said. Slowly, several began to leave and yet there were a few that stood against the threat of death. After a few minutes the soldiers gave everyone one last chance to leave. A few more people slipped out the door. Those that were left looked down at their children with a look of reassurance. Finally, the soldiers turned and said to those that stayed to raise their hands one more time- and praise the Lord. These soldiers had been converted at an earlier raid. They made this statement to those that remained, “We have learned from experience that unless people are willing to die for their faith, they cannot be fully trusted.”
The only way that you know what you will live for is to examine what you are willing to die for. It is only through the mindset of being willing to die for something that makes it truly worth living for. The reason why America is so awe inspiring is because there were men, women and children willing to die to make it so. What price you are willing to pay determines the value of that which you possess.
“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.”
- Albert Einstein
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