Read John 1:1-18
Many things stir my emotions: worship, silence, a kiss from my wife, my son’s belly laugh or the voices of treasured friends from around the country. Most of the time, however, my feelings are awakened by something slightly less than a Hallmark moment: being misunderstood, driving in rush hour traffic, restless nights, and customer assistance numbers that do not let you speak to a human.
Whether pleasant or painful, our emotions are in need of cautious and careful monitoring. Why? Because we live in a world that loudly proclaims, “What feels good is good. What feels bad is bad.” It is in such an environment we can easily mistake feeling for fact. Emotions are not always accurate reflections of reality or of God’s will. They are not always truth’s vocal twin. The perspective for your life based on emotions will be one of many ups and downs, twists and turns and near constant turbulence.
Our safeguard in a world where culture and media seek to benefit by manipulating our emotions is God’s unchanging Word. God’s truth is subject neither to circumstance nor to news broadcasts. His Word is nonperishable, immutable, and eternally free of decay! If we live our life based upon the precepts of what God has already spoken through His Word, whether the sun shines or the clouds hang low, in good times and not so good times, we will, nevertheless, obtain a peace that passes all understanding.
The main reason that we fail in our emotions is because we believe that the Bible is a good book, but we fail to realize that it is the embodiment of God Himself. John lets us in on a little secret right from the beginning of his gospel when he states that the Word became flesh. The reason why we need and have the opportunity to trust His Word, is that we are really trusting Him. What was your last storm that caused you to question everything about God? When did you face dire situations that caused your entire life to turn upside down? Now, how did you feel? No matter how you felt, God and His Word never changed. It is forever established in heaven.
“Feeling is deep and still; and the word that floats on the surface is as the tossing buoy, that betrays where the anchor is hidden.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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