One of the great fears of many people is that their hair would turn gray. For many, this is a sign that they are getting old. (Well???) Gray hair is also a crown of glory to an individual that is given by God. While gray hair may not be fashionable, it does reflect into the heavenlies that the person who has grayed has been found in righteousness.
Rather than shun the “fashion faux pas” of gray hair, why not try to embrace it as a gift of God. Not only does it shine for all of heaven to see, the darkness in the world sees righteousness and glory when it sees that gray hair.
Today is a special day for me. Without this day I would not be around to write this. Today is my mother’s birthday. While I have forgotten to send a card or gift on this day, she can rest assured that I remembered it for this book and now everybody that reads it will too. She has turned 39, 23 times as of this writing.
My mom is a very unique individual, and time and space does not permit me to tell you of all she is. Let me just say, if this devotional blesses you in any way, she had a lot to do with it. Not only naturally, but also spiritually, she is largely responsible for how I turned out.
Recently she came to visit, and you could tell that there were three generations sitting together with her, myself and my son. While she is one day older today, she will continue to grow through us. Remember, at sometime or another we will all impact someone else. My mother has impacted me. I honor her today that her days may be long upon this earth, and blessed beyond measure. It is my prayer that the heavenlies will see her hoary head.
"All that I am, my mother made me." John Quincy Adams
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