Read Psalm 130:5
“…and Father please…
and remember to…
and I need…
and watch over…
and help us with…
…thank you for this quiet time, amen.”
“Child, I missed something.”
“Yes, Father, what did you miss?”
“Where was the ‘quiet’ in this ‘quiet time’?”
“Oh Father, I did it again. I forgot to pause, to rest, to wait, to listen.”
“Understandable Child, you do have a lot on your mind.”
“Father, You’re smirking!”
“Ah, but it’s a love-filled smirk! Remember to add quiet to your quiet time Child. Quietness creates a pause that re-aligns your values with My own. Quietness realigns your faith and refreshes your peace. Quietness frees you from the forceful currents of business and magnetizes your soul to eternity. But most of all, quietness gently ushers you closer to Me—which is exactly where I long for you to remain.”
As I was writing this, my wife stated that she needed some quiet time at the end of a long day. Quiet time did not mean closing her up with our 5 and a half-year and three month old sons in a room and hoping they decided not to be active for a few minutes. Quiet time was when there were no interruptions, no loud noises and definitely no little boys running around her ankles. All too often when we enter our prayer time, we think of all kinds of things that we want to ask God, and things that demand our attention ravage our brains and we fail to stop and just let God talk. Take some time every day to see what God is trying to speak into your spirit and you will be amazed at what God has to say.
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