Read John 14:1-31
I realize that I wrote a devotion a few days ago about a similar topic, but it is such a tragic subject that I feel it applies again today. The topic is simply relativism. Today’s devotion comes from the hope of the following statement. “In the huge mass of evil as it rolls and swells, there is ever some good working toward deliverance and triumph.” – Thomas Carlyle
You can see it in every book, newspaper, magazine and television. You can hear it in every conversation, interview, radio station and documentary. What is it? It is the ancient and contentious battle of good and evil. From Hollywood to Washington D.C., people are constantly discussing, oftentimes without realizing it, good and evil.
However, in our day of shadows, relativism and compromise, what is evil? What is good? Evil predates human sin as goodness predates human existence. Both lived before the creation and fall of mankind. Before humanity could offer their definitions, good and evil simply were. “What is good” existed in submission to God. “What is evil” existed in rebellion to God. The first reflected God’s character. The later incurred God’s wrath.
Today, very few people agree on what is absolutely evil and absolutely good. We live in a world of relativity, that is, the truth of good and evil depends entirely upon the circumstance in which one finds them. Yet, in a world of ever-expanding shades of gray, we can lose confidence in our ability to distinguish where light ends and darkness begins.
God, however, still sees clearly. His faithful Spirit will navigate us through the troubled waters of culture. He promises to guide us into all Truth. When John wrote the fourteenth chapter of his gospel, he realized that trouble would constantly be in the world, and yet, God offered the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost to watch over us. In the place of decision, we must first look to God’s Word: what does scripture say about this decision specifically or in principle? It may be helpful to also ask ourselves a simple question: Can I picture God smiling over this choice? Can I experience God’s pleasure in this decision/attitude/ relationship/action?
There is still such a thing as “black and white, right and wrong, good and evil”. It is for this reason that we must, in the midst of our dark shadows of doubt, know the voice of God. He will whisper in the time of storm and you will know which path leads to good and which path leads to evil. God’s peace will follow us in this shadowy world as we follow the faithful voice of God through His Word and His Spirit. The battle of good and evil will continue, but our Commander knows without hesitation the Way that leads to Life.
“For the Christian, heaven is where Jesus is. We do not need to speculate on what heaven will be like. It is enough to know that we will be for ever with Him.”
- William Barclay