Read Joshua 1:8
A man or a woman is successful:
-When they are able to maintain respect for themselves when they look at themselves in the mirror,
-When they place a higher estimate upon character than upon reputation,
-When they seek to live in harmony with the laws of God, the laws of nature, the laws of men and the “golden rule”,
-When they view things against the background of eternity instead of the horizon of time,
-When they refuse to make a compromise with sin to gain a temporary advantage.
How do these measurements of success apply to you? Can you look yourself in the mirror knowing that on your own you are nothing, but with Him you are something? What do you see when you view yourself? If you see someone you can respect, you are a success.
Reputation is fleeting. One small comment can damage a reputation instantly. Character stands in the midst of accolades, praises and criticisms. Character is not only present when you are being trampled under foot, but it is most evident when you are walking in the clouds.
You will be miserable and unsuccessful if you try to live outside of things that distribute order. Can you imagine what life would be if it were not for the law of God’s forgiveness? How about trying to go against the law of gravity? See how much you enjoy the repercussions of breaking the law of the land, and how sweet would it be if everyone lived by the “golden rule”?
Can you be a success in these areas today? Give it a shot and see what happens in your world.
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”
- Booker T. Washington
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