Read John 16:23-26
Wouldn’t you like to have a couple million dollars in your bank account right now? Oh what dreams could be fulfilled with cash like that. People are interesting. We are never really satisfied with what we have. If we have a nice home, we need to find a nice car. If we have both, we better get a new swimming pool. If we have a good job, we still look for a better job. In society today, if you have a good spouse, in some cases, they still look for a better one. We live in a “trade-in” world. Trade your car for a newer car. Trade your home for a newer home. It is an endless cycle that all of us have gone through at some time.
Every man needs pockets large enough to carry all the important things in life: wallet, keys, and breath mints. By looking at my wife’s purse, it seems she has a whole universe of resources, but at least men have the essentials! With just a quick reach into a pocket, I have access to cash (maybe!!), credit cards, and the exclusive privileges that a set of keys offers. Children know that if they ask Mom or Dad to search their pocket or purse for a piece of gum, a mint, a comb, a tissue, or a dollar—whatever it is they think will meet their need at the moment—they will receive it!
It’s not unlike our privilege as God’s children. The problem is that we usually tend to resort to asking for something temporary first, and lasting second. Be honest with yourself today. How many times have you asked God for healing, resources, extra cash, a new car, a new home or some other temporary item? I know in my life, I have caught myself in a rut (usually when funds are low) asking God to supply this and that, when I should be praying for wisdom, forgiveness for myself and others, people that need Him, hope and a slew of other “eternal” things.
At salvation, we are placed “in Christ” and granted full access to all the valuable resources God offers us. Resources such as His wisdom: “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). Forgiveness and grace: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7). New perspectives that bring hope and confidence even in the toughest of times (Eph. 1:18), material provision (Matt. 6:30-31), and peace (Eph. 2:14) are also ours in Him.
When I step back and look at all that God has allowed me to possess, my “needs” become hazy, and eventually fade out in the realization that I am sitting in the palm of His hand. Where are you sitting today?
“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.”
- Peter Drucker
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