Read Matthew 19:13-14
I do not enjoy roller coasters. I do not enjoy heights. I breathe heavy driving over real long bridges like the one over the bay on the east coast to get to an airport. Flying was a learned enjoyment. In my mind I treat turbulence as if they were pot holes. So to talk to some people that enjoy jumping out of airplanes, I have come to the conclusion that their elevator does not quite reach the top.
On August 27, 1960, US Air Force Captain Joseph Kittinger Jr. sat in a gondola suspended from a high-altitude balloon. When the balloon reached 102,800 feet above the surface of Earth (more than 19 miles), Kittinger jumped out. Four minutes and 36 seconds later his main parachute opened at 18,000 feet, but not before he had attained a velocity of 614 miles per hour! Kittinger carefully planned his record-setting descent.
This man was crazy!! Why would any sane man partake in these activities? I do not know about you, but my feet will stay planted on firm ground.
In our walk with God, and life in general, we’re more likely to find that life is filled with unexpected free falls. These are not conscious acts of leaping into the wide unknown, but the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, or a terminated job can make us feel as if we’re dropping into the unknown. Think of all the times when you met with someone and they seemed to punch you in the gut. How about the uncertainty of being let go from a job? Thankfully, for believers, there is a spiritual “parachute”—the loving arms of God.
It is wonderful to know, and understand that “He’s got the whole world in His hands” because there are too many times it seems I am free falling to my destruction. Thousands of years ago, Moses wrote these words to the Israelites just before he died: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms”(Deut. 33:27). The words “everlasting arms” refer to the protection and preservation of God’s people. Despite the stressful circumstances they would surely face, they could rest in the assurance of God’s watchful care.
I do not know where you stand in life today. You may be standing strong, planted in the things of God and life. You may be just getting ready to take off into heights unknown or standing on the edge of the plane door, just about to fall out. Maybe you’re that person that is already out the door and you are free falling to you seeming destruction. Let me share this with you today, “With God behind you and His arms beneath you, you can face whatever lies ahead of you.”
“God's voice is still and quiet and easily buried under an avalanche of clamour. He wants you all to Himself to put His loving, divine arms around you.”
- Charles Stanley
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