Read I Corinthians 13
Our flight from Orlando to Milwaukee was delayed because of mechanical problems. The 15-minute delay turned into 30 minutes, and then 60. We were supposed to catch a connecting flight home from Milwaukee and we were getting a little concerned about making that flight. Then we landed in Milwaukee to find out that our connecting flight was delayed three hours. We had to try and make ourselves comfortable in the waiting area and 9 p.m. waiting for what turned out to be a red-eye flight to Kansas City. Another time we thought we would save ourselves the six hour drive to St. Paul for Christmas by flying. When we arrived at the airport we found that our flight had been changed and would have to go through Midway in Chicago first. We thought that would be alright because we would still save some time until we arrived in Midway and were delayed there. What would have taken us six hours to drive, took us 14 hours to fly. It was during occasions like this that I would say to myself, “Patience will be a much-needed virtue tonight.”
Life can be frustrating, even exasperating. Yet, many times impatience is just a reflection of our own self-centeredness in response to life’s disappointments. Have you ever thought about it that way? Or think about it this way. How often have you put off doing something for God (delayed His arrival time) because you just got too busy? How do you think God responded? I suggest that His response is filled with longsuffering and patience.
Real love is pictured in the Bible as self-sacrifice (John 15:13), and one demonstration of that love is patience toward others. “Love suffers long and is kind; love . . . does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked” (1 Cor. 13:4-5). It sets aside our personal agenda and seeks to model Christ. When I was stuck in the airport, honestly, I wasn’t feeling very loving. However, every time I put the Lord off, He just waits in His kindness, and tenderly pulls me back to Him.
Sound impossible? It is, if we attempt it in our own strength. But as we pray for help, God provides us with patience that reflects His love—even during frustrating circumstances. When things get hectic and you want to throw it all up in the air remember this; when tempted to lose patience with others, remember God’s patience with you.
“Patience and perseverance have a magical affect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”
- John Quincy Adams
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