Read I Peter 2:9
This poem is for all those that seem like they do not have something to offer to the Kingdom of God.
I have no voice for singing;
I cannot make a speech;
I have no gift for music;
I know I cannot teach.
I am no good at leading;
I cannot organize;
And anything that I write;
Would never win a prize.
But at roll call in the meetings;
I always answer, “Here”.
When others are performing;
I lend a listening ear.
After the program is over;
I praise it’s every part,
My words are not to flatter;
I mean them from the heart.
It seems my only talent
Is neither big nor rare,
Just to listen and encourage
And to fill a vacant chair.
But all the gifted people
Could not so brightly shine
Were it not for those who use
A talent such as mine.
You see, everyone is called to do something for the Lord. Whether great or seemingly small, the talents that we use further the kingdom of God. We are all of one body, and you may seem to be the most insignificant part, but you are still a part. Thank you for accomplishing your call. It is because of you that I can feel His presence. It is because of all those that have done what God wanted them to do that I can raise my sons in the atmosphere of love, respect and honor. If there is no other calling on our lives, remember this; we are ALL called to be saints.
“I believe that every person is born with talent.”
- Maya Angelou
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