Read John 3:16
The alarm clock rings and we frantically search throughout the house for that basket of candy that the Easter Bunny hid for us. We look in dryers and closets. We look in bedrooms and fireplaces. That Bunny was good at hiding that basket of goodies. However, when we found that basket, excitement would rush over us (as well as all the sugar).
We do not celebrate Easter for the bunny and the candy, but there are still some baskets that we must search for. It is not enough for someone to just attend church, pay their tithes and offerings, live a good life, and not find the basket that is hidden somewhere in your life.
He was not willing that any should perish. Somewhere in the DNA of your being lies a desire to find God. He made us that way. He desires that we begin the search. No matter how frustrating it may seem to be at times, there are dimensions of Him that we have not ever tapped into. He wants to lead us into greater realms of His glory, but we must be willing to spend some time searching for Him.
He said, “Seek, and you will find; knock and it shall be opened.” Notice whose responsibility it is to start the journey. There is a hidden treasure in the field of His glory that has your name written all over it. He placed it there from the beginning of time and has been adding “goodies” into it from time to time.
He has added the law, grace, love, mercy and all things good throughout the years, and so when we find Him on this Easter Sunday, we find it all.
Happy searching!!
“A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.”
- Louisa May Alcott
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