Read Philippians 2:5-11
I received a package of things from my grandmother that passed away about a year ago. It was some odd shaped cups. To anyone else, they would probably be meaningless, but they mean a great deal to me. When I was little, I used to serve the family these cups filled with coke. It was dispensed from a little tap that my grandparents owned, and I would take everyone’s order and they would all receive a glass of coke (no matter what they ordered). The coke was dispensed from this small sized glass bottle into these little odd shaped cups and I would, with an apron and all, serve my family. I look back on home video of those days and I see myself (in some UGLY PINK PLAID PANTS, MOM) and understand a little of how I became who I am today.
I had, as examples in my life, true servants. From my grandparents to my parents to my uncles and aunts, an example of true Christian servanthood was lived out before me. There is nothing more powerful than a servant. When Christ was about to pay the ultimate price on Calvary, He called for a dinner. We know this as “The Last Supper”. He could have thrown a big celebration where there was singing and feasting and an all around great time, but the first thing He did was bow himself before mere men and served them by washing their feet.
Paul admonished us in his letter to the Philippians to have the same mind Christ had. Do you desire to serve those that are under you or those that seemingly deserve no service? If so, you are fulfilling the mind of Christ. We are called to serve those less fortunate than we are. Whether it be sending a meal to their home or raking leaves from their yard, true servants we are to be.
Now, every time I enter our living room, I see those cups and they remind me to serve someone else. Is there a reminder in your life that we are to be servants? If not, I challenge you to find some way to trigger the servant mentality into your life, for when you do, Christ will be revealed in you.
“If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?”
- John Adams
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