Read Romans 8:28
You awake to a flat tire on your car. After 45 minutes of changing that tire in your dress clothes, you head for your destination. At the end of the block your car stops, and you realize that you are out of gas. After a one mile trek to the gas station you return to find your vehicle towed because it was parked illegally (dah!) You finally get home and call your wife to pick you up. The two of you, and she is so pleasant about this side trip in her day, head to the impound lot to pick up your car. After you empty the gas from the spare can into your car, and after you have paid the impound lot to release your vehicle, you finally head to the office. After being two hours late, you enter your office in a panic. The presentation that you are scheduled to give the board of directors is in 15 minutes and you were going to spend the morning preparing. Now you are totally unprepared, and the meeting is minutes away. Then it occurs to you. The chairman had called yesterday and rescheduled the meeting for the next day. After all the turmoil and grief, you were not really in a hurry anyhow.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had a day like the one described above, but you probably have had one similar. After thinking about what I just wrote, it occurred to me that nothing occurs to God. We prepare for broken down cars, broken water pipes, a leaking faucet and all of the other little challenges of life. God thinks about hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and keeping the Earth spinning at the appropriate speed, on the appropriate axis while the entire time listening to our cries to lose weight.
It didn’t occur to God that your loved one passed. It didn’t occur to God that your home was destroyed by a tornado. Nothing occurs to God. He has everything in control. When you can come to the conclusion that nothing occurs to God, you can trust that He knows what He is doing. If you are in the middle of a tempest, God knows where you are. God sees you in the midst of your agony because it didn’t just occur to Him. He prepared a comforter for you at that very moment which is the Holy Ghost, and through His Spirit God has you right in the palm of His hand. And where else would you rather dwell?
“The marvelous thing is that for thousands of years people have continued questioning and searching and ultimately concluding that reasons for certain occurrences are not given to man to know.”
- Robert Vaughn
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