Read Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
I hate being late. In fact, if I am a part of something and it begins at a certain time, it is my philosophy that you must be at least fifteen minutes early. I get rather short when I am running late (I know that is hard to believe!!). Oftentimes, I need to slow myself down because I get so rushed and worried about being late that I tend to forget some things. I have to remind myself that history will not end if I run a little late.
History was one of my favorite subjects in school, and it is still something I enjoy reading about and learning of. The adage that says, “All history repeats itself”, surprisingly is quite accurate. Solomon was correct when he stated in Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
We often forget that we are but a speck in the grand scheme of history. When you consider the amount of years that most of us might have and compare that to the history of the world, we become miniscule specks. We are but a dot on the horizon of time.
The exciting thing about that is simply this; all of history is HisStory. From the first glimpse of the firmament to the grand entrance of the New Jerusalem, everywhere and everyone and everything is His. He has been telling a story so profound and unique that it has taken thousands of years to write. Most biographies are a few hundred pages long, not a few thousand years long. Throughout history, God has been trying to tell everyone about who He is. He has been revealing the most intimate details of His heart to mankind.
Think about this; your life is the telling of His story. You play a dynamic part in the telling of who God is. Without you, a page would be missing from the annals of HisStory. What a tragedy it would be if God was unable to complete His biography if you were not here. The next time you get depressed, or struggle with life, remember that He is writing through you all of His story to the world. What an honor to be mentioned in the same breath as Mary, Joseph, Peter and Paul. We are just another chapter letting people see Jesus Christ.
“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.”- James A. Baldwin
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